Friday, September 14, 2012

Lies and Calumnies

Often times, during our life, there are particular moments that make us feel violated by intrusive looks, by vicious words, by sharp judgments. There are moments in which you can almost touch the hypocrisy of the world.

In those moments, instead of being supportive, others’ presence becomes a ferocious torture.
All this happens we dare, even by a little, to swerve from the flat and colorless conformism of the masses, to follow some other “alternative” path.

Our behavior gets immediately personified, judged, imprisoned in biases, while the dark fog of Lie hugs, disorients, and plagues us.

Maybe, all this “roar” of hostile voices against us is caused by we suddenly became inconvenient in the eyes of those that enjoy the quiet repeating of routines and traditional schemes.

In fact, often, being the living proof that life can be lived under the light of new perspectives, creates a “dissonance” that is emotionally unbearable for those used to preserve rather than to innovate.
To this clash of realities, perceived as a sort of assault, these people react ostracizing the aggressor through calumnies and moral discredit.

Author: Maria Luisa Valenti

Check out the original article here

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